Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo!   Today, and only today , we have Jalapeno Cheddar bagels in honor of the Mexican victory in the Battle of Puebla 1862.

Late in 1861 Napoleon III attempted to re-establish a French presences in Latin America.  A well-armed French fleet stormed Veracruz, landing a large French force and driving President Juárez and his government into retreat. Moving on from Veracruz towards Mexico City, the French army encountered heavy resistance from the Mexicans near Puebla, at the Mexican forts of Loreto and Guadalupe. 

The 8,000-strong French army attacked the much poorer equipped Mexican army of 4,000. Yet the Mexicans managed to decisively crush the French army, the best army in the world at the time, and one that had not been defeated for almost 50 years. This happened on May 5, 1862.

Then the Mexican army feasted on jalapeno cheddar bagels, pumpkin empanadas, chili-cheese knish and lime corn cookies. Cheers!

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